G48: Compact Size with Full Size Performance

G48: Compact Size with Full Size Performance

Whether you're a "Glock Guy" or not, the dependability of the brand is hard to beat. The first gun that I  carried regularly was a G19x. While carrying a full sized handgun was not the most comfortable it was still doable. I  had put many rounds downrange with this weapon and I'm a slut for full sized handguns. The improved ballistics, recoil management, and hand fitment was hard to beat. These were all qualities that I did not want to give up with my EDC. Thankfully, I  found the Glock 48, and I didn't have to. 

The slimline profile immediately removes this from contention for some shooters but let me be the first to tell you, with the addition of a magwell flare, the gun fills the hand quite nicely. Even some larger statured friends have commented on the surprisingly comfortable grip. I  like to think of this gun as an improvement on both the G19 and the G43/43x. The 43 offerings are great but the short barrel makes them snappy as hell. The G19 has the barrel length to reduce felt recoil but the "compact" frame makes the gun look disproportionate and doesn't fill out the bottom of the palm all too well. The G48's frame is slim like the 43 but the barrel length is a little longer than the 19. I know, hard to believe, but it is. This combination results in a compact gun that really does handle like a full sized and doesn't wreck your crotch when you appendix carry and take a seat. 

The inherent issue I have had with all of my Glocks is of course the factory trigger leaves a lot to be desired and when your hand sweats, even just a little, the grip texture is lacking. These were easy fixes. Overwatch Precision makes some great drop in triggers for the Glocks that improve the take up, reset, and break of the Glock OEM trigger. A hot soldering iron and some practice with stippling can help you achieve a better grip texture, not to mention, it looks sweet. You don't always have to choose between fashion and function. Have your cake and eat it too. 

"What about capacity?" 

I  knew you were going to ask me that. 

Shield Arms S15 magazine turns the single stack, 10 round capacity of the G48 on its head. With 15 rounds and the option to add an extension, you can find yourself with a compact handgun that holds 17+. I opted for a +2 extension on my OEM Glock magazines because I  have found that Glock brand magazines just work the best. I  will get some S15's and try them out before I  carry one, stay tuned for that video review. In the mean time, I  will keep my 12 round in the gun and a spare 10 round mag in my pocket for safe keeping. 

If you're not a "Glock Guy" I  do not anticipate that this review will sway you, honestly, I  could care less. Shoot what you want, carry what you want, it's your world, squirrel. All I  want to get across is that the G48 absolutely blew my mind in terms of comfort to carry, ability to increase capacity, and the incredible shooting experience. 

If you're considering getting one or if you're in the market for a new EDC, get the G48, you'll be glad you did. 

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